What Is Beyond Pesticides?
Watch the Video for a Reflection on 40 Years at Beyond Pesticides
See also Executive Director Jay Feldman, introduced by Jim Hightower, highlighting Beyond Pesticides mission and work at Ralph Nader's Breaking Through Power event (May 2016)
Beyond Pesticides is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., which works with allies in protecting public health and the environment to lead the transition to a world free of toxic pesticides. The founders, who established Beyond Pesticides (originally as National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides) as a nonprofit membership organization in 1981, felt that without the existence of such an organized, national network, local, state and national pesticide policy would become, under chemical industry pressure, increasingly unresponsive to public health and environmental concerns.
Beyond Pesticides believes that people must have a voice in decisions that affect them directly. We believe decisions should not be made for us by chemical companies or by decision-makers who either do not have all of the facts or refuse to consider them. Learn more about our work, read the 2023-2024 Annual Report; our accomplishments are your victories!
Beyond Pesticides seeks to protect healthy air, water, land, and food for ourselves and future generations. By forging ties with governments, nonprofits, and people who rely on these natural resources, we reduce the need for unnecessary pesticide use and protect public health and the environment. Beyond Pesticides provides hands-on services to the public and supports local action by:
- identifying and interpreting hazards; and,
- designing safe pest management programs.
With the information provided by Beyond Pesticides, people may not only be able to make informed choices and adopt practices that protect themselves and their families from unnecessary exposure to pesticides, but they will be able to effect changes on community-wide pest management decisions and policies that govern pesticide use, such as pesticide uses in parks, schools, for community insect control and along roadsides. Beyond Pesticides believes that people must have a voice in decisions which affect them directly.
Have you ever wondered why (and how!) Beyond Pesticides got started?
Beyond Pesticides provides the public with useful information on pesticides and alternatives to their use. With this information, people can and do protect themselves and the environment from the potential adverse public health and environmental effects associated with the use and misuse of pesticides.
Beyond Pesticides has historically taken a two-pronged approach to the pesticide problem by identifying the risks of chemical-intensive pest management practices and promoting non chemical and least-toxic management alternatives. The organization's primary goal is to effect change through local action, assisting individuals and community-based organizations to stimulate discussion on the hazards of toxic pesticides, while providing information of safe alternatives.
Beyond Pesticides has sought to bring to a policy forum in Washington, DC and state capitals the pesticide problem and solutions we have become aware of on a day-to-day basis. Beyond Pesticides exists to help make difficult, often daily, decisions about pest management and to make these decisions in a manner that protects human health and the environment.
Publications and Membership
Beyond Pesticides produces the informative quarterly publication Pesticides and You (PAY), which provides in-depth articles and is a voice for pesticide safety and alternatives. Additionally, our Daily News Blog is updated every day, providing the most current information on pesticide issues. Beyond Pesticides has available publications to assist you with pest and pesticide related issues. Every year, the Beyond Pesticides National Pesticide Forum brings together scientists and activists from around the country.
Visit our "One Stop Shop" for membership, Beyond Pesticides publications, and other recommended readings.
Financial Documents
View Beyond Pesticides most current Annual Report, 2-page summary, IRS Form 990-2023 and Audited Financial Statement-2023.
Questions or comments about the website: info@beyondpesticides.org